1. Step: Sketch & try to find a shape & system

It has to be logical, creating 9 circles would make the board game incredibly big.

When it comes to Dante's vision of Hell, it is build like a spiral going down, like a vortex.

In order to make the 9 circles of hell work and create some kind of vortex, it makes much more sense to create 9 half circles that go into each other. This will give the illusion of a vortex.
With the Devil as the center of the 9 half circles.
2. Step: upload the sketch on the PC & open it in Adobe Illustrator
3. Step: open a new layer & use vectors to create an outline of
the uploaded sketch
4. Step: After finish outlining the sketch, delete the layer with the
sketch & the only thing left is the rough outline
5. Step: ''clean'' the rough outline & smooth out the ''bumps''
make sure all the half circles are smooth & round
6. Step: use the knife tool & cut each half circle into 3 pieces in order to create fields
7. Step: upload the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator & select both, the illustration & the piece you want to fill it with & create a clipping mask. ( for my game I used the illustrations of Gustave Doré )

To color the surface, copy the piece that you used to create the clipping mask with and choose a color, afterwards just adjust the opacity of the colored piece, put it over the clipping mask & group it.
8. Step: Now select all of the fields & create a copy in order to make the color fields for each clipping mask later
9. Step: Create a clipping mask for each field & ''color'' it
10. Step: create outlines & add last final touches like background color, numbers of each circle, the starting point, the field where the cards should be placed & the Title of the game
11. Step: open a new Adobe Illustrator document & create the cards for each circle of the board game, including one for the centre of the board game (seen above is the front of the cards)
12. Step: open a new Adobe Illustrator document & create the backside of the cards, using clipping masks & group them with color fields
13. Step: it is time to create a rulebook for the game, first of all of course the cover
14. Step: give a short introduction about the theme of the game (story behind the game) & explain how the game is played & the ground rules
15. Step: now just give the players an overview of the set up of the game & what components belong to the game

For my final project I have chosen to make a board game based on Dante Alighieri's ''Inferno''.

Inferno is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy. It tells the journey of Dante through Hell, guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil.
In the poem, Hell is depicted as nine concentric circles of suffering located within the Earth; it is the "realm ... of those who have rejected spiritual values by yielding to bestial appetites or violence, or by perverting their human intellect to fraud or malice against their fellowmen." As an allegory, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul toward God, with the Inferno describing the recognition and rejection of sin.
After finishing the Adobe Illustrator files, save them as PDF for printing & print out the work.

The only thing left afterwards is to set up the game and start playing But please go through the rulebook first!